Tuesday 25 February 2014

NEURS.com Now in 190 Countries and Counting

NEURS.com Now in 190 Countries and Counting 

#NEURS.com is now in 190 countries and counting. That's 95% of the world's nations. We support 11 languages, having recently added #Dutch and #Greek to the platform. Now more than 43% of the world's population can access the site in their own language. That's potentially 3 billion people! We have lots of room for growth!

So why track your REACH? And what are some of the things you can DO NOW to position yourself in the best possible way to monetize the impact of your REACH?

It's no secret, #NEURS is now growing exponentially! And we keep getting better!

We now have an email system to better communicate with our community based on their level of engagement and videos are now showing up with Italian and Portuguese subtitles. More to come!

And through it all, we have leaders doing some amazing things! For example, the leader with the biggest total REACH is now approaching 30,000 users and there are several close to 20,000. Every day a new leader is popping up over 10,000 and the rate is growing nicely!

But what if your REACH isn't in the thousands? Well, it can be if you take some action today! In fact, that's what Jorge Puente did. After two weeks of being in NEURS, Jorge's REACH had 10 directly referred users and 60 total users in 7 countries. Then 72 hours later, his REACH was at 1,415 users in 43 countries! So what's the secret to his amazing growth?... Well, it's no secret at all. Here it is in 4 simple steps:

1. Jorge decided to invite some new people to NEURS. What a concept! In just a few days he went from 10 directly invited users to 20. And that's perhaps the biggest key to his amazing success.

2. He then FOLLOWED UP, RE-CONTACTED, and RE-ENGAGED everyone he had invited previously. He told them about all the new things happening at NEURS, covered the updated company ‪#‎s‬, and told them to give it another try.

3. He set up his Affiliate Page. This has been a GAME CHANGER for Jorge! You can do the same. Just log in and go to settings (below your name on the top right of the screen). There you need to click on the Affiliate tab and create your Affiliate Page. It's that simple! From there you simply email everyone you know and provide them your Affiliate Page link and tell them why you like NEURS and why they should also get involved.

4. Jorge stayed in the #NEURS know. You can do the same. Take a peak in the VIP room. Not a VIP yet? Come on! It's easy! Complete 3 invites right away. You've gotta see what it's like in there! Check out the BLOG and all of the incredible videos we have there and Like us on Facebook so you can know everything we're up to. That's the NEURS know... being in the KNOW has its rewards.

Now Jorge has 2,231 users on his REACH and it keeps growing by the hundreds each day!

So congratulations Jorge! We're proud of all of your efforts! Keep REACHING!

So come be a part of history! Help us connect the entrepreneurial world. It's gonna be a fun ride!


Your NEURS.com Team
PS - Look for the next REACH TODAY show coming up this Wednesday directly in the VIP room.


The NEURS Team

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